Better understanding of disease burden by race, ethnicity, and education within the US.
Motivated by the need for health strategies that are more inclusive and responsive to the needs of diverse populations, IHME Client Services is building a coalition of supporters who share our vision of health equity.
Supporters provide the financial and infrastructure support needed to allow IHME’s researchers to produce estimates of disease occurrence, mortality, risk factors, and spending disaggregated by race/ethnicity in the US and beyond. Goals of the Inclusivity Initiative:
IHME is looking at a broader set of racial/ethnic groups than most prior work (most prior studies focus only on White, Black, Hispanic). IHME is the first to conduct a comprehensive analysis for all counties. Prior work has focused on national-level disparities or on a subset of locations. IHME will look at variation by geography and by race/ethnicity simultaneously. Prior work has generally looked at one dimension or the other, but not both. Contact Shayla Smith and Jam Suba if you are interested in learning more about ways to get involved with the Inclusivity Initiative. |